James is 16 months! And I almost forgot. I was still telling people he was fifteen months until yesterday and he turned 16 months 3 days prior to that. He will have plenty of fodder for his therapist, I guess.
Joanne (hi Joanne!) commented on my last post that talking was James' thing, and boy, is it. When we were at his appointment (the 15 month one, a month late- I did not schedule it with my husband's old pediatrician after all) his doctor asked if he had any words, and I was all, "Well- he says mama, dada, brother, dog, Buster, ball, go, jump, walk, duck, no, gugga (blanket), up, down..." and she cut me off like, "Okay, okay, I get it, he is talking plenty." And then he said like three other words I hadn't mentioned (maybe nose? Or shoes? Or shirt? Or eyes? He's got plenty of words, is my point) just to show off.
He had also started walking two steps in a row, but no more, which the doctor said totally counted as walking. And then started really walking immediately after we left the office. He is right on his growth curve and doing great.
The doctor was REALLY impressed with Nathan, though. She asked if I wanted to get Nathan a flu shot while we were there, and I said, "Nathan, let's get you a shot" and he started to tantrum and I just said, "Well, if you get the shot you can have a lollipop" and he immediately pulled it together and said, "Okay." She said her son would never have settled that quickly, much less not even batted an eye when getting the shot. What I can I say, Nathan is highly lollipop-motivated.
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